21 July 2008

The Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire

I overslept, and I'm about to be late for work, but I wanted to mention the Renaissance Faire we went to yesterday. We had a blast!
We went to the Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire near Battle Creek. It's a bit of a drive, but we thought it was well worth it.

There were shows, vendors, beautiful garb and all that you'd expect. The food was a bit short of mediocre just like you'd expect, but the prices were reasonable and the people were enthusiastic, friendly, and talented. The crowds were big enough for a sense of busy-ness, but small enough to be a backdrop for ones own fun rather than a miserable impediment to doing anything or moving. And there was shade -- lots and lots of shade!!!!

Hmmm. I'm not sure that this was very convincing -- I'm sleepy (pre-caffeinated, even) and running late -- go see their web site, and if you're looking for chance to see knights and ladies and hand crafts and fun--give it a try!

They run on weekends, through August third.

(No, we were having so much fun we forgot to use the camera we brought...that's on old one from Australia.)

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