05 May 2010


Yesterday morning, Jack and I spent all morning playing school.

Rod estimated that we had completed about a week's work! I had a blast and Jack seemed to enjoy himself, too.

Spending all morning at the books isn't what we're used to and it's not really what Charlotte Mason recommends, but I switched up what we were doing every 20 minutes or so and we stopped as soon as Jack lost focus.

We coloured in some Egyptian puppets and read about a kid's life in Egypt. We added some daily life in ancient Egypt stickers to our folder to decorate the inside, we read stories for character development and literature.

We examined the characters on Jack's cartouche and compared them to the hieroglyphics in our book. Some were the same, and some were different, so we discussed how in a recent story from our bedtime story of Egyptian myths and legends a mage had been able to gain great power because he could read hieroglyphics from many hundred of years earlier, and so we know that hieroglyphics changed over time.

We read some Kipling and we laughed.

We read some Shakespeare, which seemed to leave Jack cold. We'll try once more before we postpone it for a year. It may be too soon.

We read and narrated some of Aesops fables (though we didn't use them for penmanship this time.)

I had a blast -- I hope to find time to do this again before my vacation is over!

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