28 June 2010

The next big challenge

OK, so we're getting pretty good at our new way of eating at home.  Getting dinner on the table without grains and with minimal beans isn't the challenge it was six months ago and we've even found a few safe places  to eat out occasionally and stay (mostly) safe.
The next big challenge is a road trip. 
We're driving up to Northern New York for a family reunion in a few weeks -- that's two days up, two days there, and two days back.  How will we eat on a six day road trip without giving in and risking a meal in an unfamiliar restaurant?  (Or maybe worse, getting seriously out of sorts about the boring lack of options?) 
I mean, really?  The two days in the middle, we'll have a heat source and it can be "food almost as usual", but how much fresh, raw vegetation can we eat while we're on the road"  How many nuts?  How many boiled eggs? How long will cold cooked meats last in a cooler?  -- and my diabetes complicates it further, because a lot of fruit just isn't safe when we'll be so physically inactive.
I have been hunting for options and it's not looking like a lot of fun.  I wonder if I'm missing something.  It's looking pretty boring.  The limitations: it has to stay fresh (or at least safe) in a cooler on the road, it can't contain grains or beans, and for four out of six days, it has to be something we can prepare ahead and eat right out of the cooler. 
Any ideas?

Road Trip Food Plan

Ideas: vegetables (lettuce, greens, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, celery, avocados, salad greens, sweet potatoes, potatoes, squash, onions, cabbage, cauliflower) fruit (Apples, oranges, bananas, pears, berries, grapes), dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, boiled eggs, chicken, fish, sausage, burgers, canned fish, brownies, cheese, Lara Bars, kombucha, nut pancakes, egg and zucchini muffins,


Thursday, day 1



Bacon and eggs; smoothie with berries and greens




Salad with cold meat, frozen berries with coconut milk




Cold pancakes with jam

Friday, day 2



Boiled eggs, fruit




Veggies, cheese, and chips with dip




Salad with cold meat, fruit

Saturday, day 3







Muffins, cheese, nuts, veggies





Roasted vegetables, roast chicken

Sunday, day 4



pumpkin custard




Salad with cold chicken, fruit




Roasted vegetables, sausage

Monday, day 5



Fruit and nuts




Salad with leftover roast veggies and meats, frozen berries with coconut milk




Cold pancakes with jam,

Tuesday, day 6



Muffins, cheese, nuts, veggies




Veggies, cheese, and chips with dip




Bacon and eggs; smoothie with berries and greens


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