06 January 2011

Vegetables for one: Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Cauliflower

1/4 cup of olive oil (You might still have last week's in the fridge)
pinch of salt
1.\/2 cauliflower

1. Break the cauliflower into similar sized florets.
2. Toss the cauliflower in the olive oil to coat.
3. Remove the cauliflower from the oil to a roasting pan. (Refrigerate the oil to use again tomorrow.)
3. Salt the cauliflower lightly.
4. Roast the cauliflower at 450 degrees for 30 minutes or until soft and starting to brown.

Put the cauliflower in a serving bowl (or plate) and serve.

This method also works really well for carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, butternut squash, brussels sprouts, eggplant, parsnips, and rutabaga.

This series is to help out folks who know they should eat more vegetables but just aren't sure how to prepare vegetables in interesting ways.

Every Thursday, I plan to offer a recipe for a different vegetable or a different preparation style to help you expand your vegetable options without either working too hard or being bored to death.

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