We have been eating from the garden regularly, and just when the payoff started, I found my interest waning. Oh, I am enjoying eating the vegetables and they do taste good. But lately I keep forgetting to water, and I have asked Rod to handle all the harvesting because I am just not interested.
I think a part of it is that the varmints have started to make real inroads -- the groundhog gets 90% of the tomatoes in the plot garden (I'll spray with capsicum this weekend to see if we can't tip the odds back in our favour some.) But that alone wouldn't be it...I do enjoy wandering out the to have a look with Rod and Jack most evenings. I will definitely do this again next year, because Rod's interest kicked in about the time mine waned, so this is still a viable proposition.
And my goodness aren't the vegetables yummy! So far we have had tomatoes by the bucket-full, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini (lotsnlotsnlots of zukes!). We can see broccoli and cabbage that will be yummy at some point.
The eating part? That's the best part. ;) I think we'll go bigger and more varied next year.
Each year I've found that my enthusiasm for my garden fades in late August. I've figured in the past that it's because my family usually goes on vacation then. I'm enthusiastic about the garden before vacation, but not afterward. But maybe it's just a natural phase that many gardeners go through? I don't know.
By the way, the veggies in your picture look *gorgeous*!
I'm glad to hear that even long-term gardeners get less enthusiastic as the season passes... It gives me hope for the long-term prospects of this projects. ;)
ReplyDelete(Thanks -- they do seem to be pretyt happy this year...)