19 February 2008

Chore Wars

Got kids who would rather play a game than help out around the house? Looking for a way to get the kids more interested in getting their toys out of the living room? A way, perhaps, to get the garbage out to the curb somewhat painlessly?

Have a look at Chore Wars!
Jack has been playing Chore Wars since July and he still loves to collect point -- and he's thrilled to see his points climbing and climbing!

It's pretty basic, but it can help give the "payoff" that your kids are otherwise missing from doing chores when "Thank you" just isn't working.


  1. Chore Wars works for us too. I wish it were a bit more visual though for the kids.

  2. Yeah, I'm hoping that if it "catches on", they will do some extra work on the visuals, too -- but so far it keeps Jack motivated which is all it;s supposed to do.


We're happy to hear from you; thanks!