01 March 2008

Rod Hospitalized 3/1/2008

Rod was admitted to the University of Michigan hospital this morning, after spending all night undergoing tests in the emergency room.

He has an 'an episode", though the doctors can't define it -- at least not yet. He is finding it extremely hard to breathe and his oxygen level keeps dropping frightening low.

Jack and I were in ER with him from 2am to 9am and we're exhausted, so we'll be asleep for the next several hours. After that, I plan to head back and check on Rod -- our dear friend, Nerida, has offered to take Jack for the afternoon so that he doesn't have to spend any more time at the hospital unless he wants to.

I don't know how to get messages from our home phone, so any messages should be for Rod to get when he gets home. You can try, anyway, in case I am home and awake, but I don't think I will be much, unless this drags on a longer than we're hoping.

Email is better, I can get that when I get home or wake up.

I will also post updates to the here when i get home from the hospital.

I'm scared.

1 comment:

We're happy to hear from you; thanks!