I'm four birthday cards behind and I can't seem to find the inspiration to get to work on them. I haven't been able to find the energy necessary to blog or to scrapbook, either.
I even work up at 3am unable to go back to sleep--or even stay in bed. (My craft room and kitchen are much cleaner. If I ever find the inspiration to cook or craft again, I will be able to work there. *grin* And I am closer to caught up on laundry...)
I have been walking with Mark, but not much otherwise. I hope to fix that this week. Yeah, well, but I've been saying that since last November. I have made progress every so often, but nothing sustained yet. I guess as long as I keep trying, I can alwasy make it.
I miss Minerva. This is hitting me harder than I was prepared for, I guess.
Rod is back on blood pressure medications, and they're having the same horrible side effects that every other medication has had. It's very depressing to watch my vibrant, wonderful best friend and beloved go through this. He goes from an optimistic, energetic, can do kind of guy, to a tired, sad, listless one. The sad part is the worst of it.
The garden is in, as far as the potted plants go. I haven;t made any progress at all on the garden bed -- then again, I can blame that on needing the plants to get big enough to survive bunny nibbles. All this rain is either going to be great fr them or it'll drown them. I don't know which it will be yet, but I certainly have given up on the idea of making it through the winter on produce we've grown.
Oh, and I finally solved the homemade yogurt problem. For years, I have had trouble making my own yogurt. It became grainy and unpleasant tasting just about every time. I tried making it on the countertop, I tried making it in a yogurt maker, but nothing made a tasty yogurt. Then we bought some raw yogurt from the farm Coop. When it was almost gone, I poured in some raw milk and left it on the counter until it thickened up. (And almost exploded the bottle it was in.) I opened it to transfer it to a larger container and it's delicious! Almost exactly like the one we bought. I think my problem was inferior materials.
Ah, well. It's time I was in the shower... more later.
"Welcome back" :)