26 January 2008

Teaching kids to be happy!

In my wanderings through the blogosphere, I often click "open in a new window" when i come across a link that looks interesting.

As I was closing down my computer a few days ago, I found this page open -- and I was delighted to fins that it contains concise scientific explanations for and research backing, some of the things that Rod and i have learned through hard-won experience, intuition, and observation.

Although I am not a big fan of video-blogging, (Mark says I am almost Amish in my approach to technology...maybe, but I also find words easier to focus on when I can see them. My ears don't work so good!) I am most impressed with the videos down the right side of the page. I though "Focus on Effort" and "Teaching Gratitude" were especially insightful, though I found them all worthwhile.

It's so nice to have science back me up once in a while! *grin*

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