Stories had filled the newspaper when I was young about increased incidence of lukemia near power stations, and the like. But I had also read about how controversial the connection was. And so, of course, I left it to the scientists to sort it out and didn't think much more about it.
Over the last few years, I had begun to suffer arthritis type symptoms in my lower back and in my feet. "I"m getting older" I thought. "You need to lose some weight" others commented. *shrug*
And then, as I was groaning my way out of my sister-in-law's car after our arrival in Melbourne, she commented that she had ha similar problems until recently, but that they were completely resolved now.
The cure? Her family had removed the wireless Internet from their home, and she was being a lot more careful about how she carries her cell phone. There was a lot more to the story -- scientist friends who had measured the levels of EMF in their home and the like. I was fresh off a grueling transplanetary flight and the details are lost to me. But the basics stuck.
My back stiffness and foot pain did indeed start not too long after we moved into Chez Smiffy and set up wireless to connect all three computers. Hmmm.
After a couple of weeks in my mother-in-law's home, with no wireless around, my back and feet felt fine. Hmmm, indeed.
When I got home, I turned off the wireless router unless I was actually *at* the computer and the pain didn't return. Interesting indeed.
I also got out of the habit of carrying my cell phone on my body. I had never been one to carry it much anyway, but I started carrying it in my purse instead of in my pocket, and my back and feet seemed to have "un-aged" a good ten years.
Then, yesterday, I carried my phone in my pocket all day without thinking about it.
Today, my back is stiff and sore and my feet ache so that it's hard to walk.
I am coming to think there might be something to this EMF sensitivity thing, after all.
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