19 June 2007

And six days later...

The garden is really going gang buster now! Most of the zucchini and butternut squash have flowers, some of the tomatoes do - -and I am starting to have hope of getting a crop. This all still seems moderately miraculous to me. Back at Ostara, I poured a few seeds from a packet into some peat pellets. Now, the tiny baby plants I half-expected not to spout have ambitions of taking over first the garden patch and then the world!

I had a bit of a scare this week, though. I was watering my garden when the biggest tomato plants fell over! Well, I scoured the net for information about what I might be doing wrong -- nothing. But every definition I found of "tomato" mentioned it being "weak stemmed". Duh! *That's* what tomato cages are for!!

So much more I wanted to say, but now I'm late for work...

More later!

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