23 June 2007


Funny thing.

A couple of people recently have referred to gardening as "my hobby". Oddly enough, given my current obsession, I don't see gardening as a hobby. I see gardening as one more way I take care of my family, sort of like an extension of cooking. I am enjoying it, but it isn't satisfying in the same way my "real" hobby is.

I am a paper crafter - I make greeting cards and I scrapbook. When I spend an hour cutting and pasting and stamping and painting, I am refreshed, calm, and content with the world. An hour in the garden is satisfying in it own way - but that would be in the same way housework is satisfying -- I am perhaps satisfied with my accomplishment, but my hands are dirty and I am tired and I smell bad. I am no calmer than before, as a rule. (That may change as I get better at this whole thing -- but my hands will still be dirty and I will still often smell bad.)

On the other hand -- we have *FIVE* zucchini in the garden -- and several are almost eating size!!! I could have sworn they weren't there when I discovered the first tomato ... and I looked! How did they go from not there to eating size in a day?!?!?


  1. The zucchini fairy is notorious for such things. One day no zucchini, the next 5, the next 847. Even if you rip the plants out of the ground and burn them, the next day there will be 6 more zucchini on top of the ashes. The only way to stop the zucchini fairy is to invoke the mighty tomato bunny, the only entity more powerful than the zucchini fairy. It is a dangerous gambit since almost as many people are killed in tomato avalanches each year as there are by zucchini poisoning, but at least tomatos are food. :)

  2. Mark, you're a loon!!!

    I do half expect to be invoking the tomato bunnies by fall -- if only because we can use a lot more tomatoes than zucchinis!



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