23 March 2010

Gardening and stuff...

Ahh, well, by the time Rod and Jack fetched me from work, Rod was just about on his last legs. That meant that I shopped for dinner vegetables and then we split the dinner duties.

But Jack and I did get some plants sprouting: beets, pumpkins, sunflowers, butternuts, eggplants, wax beans, swedes, and watermelons. I'd ave done more, but I am using baggies to keep the plants sorted out so I know who is who, and I ran out of ziplocs. We'll get some more tomorrow and start some more while we can. We'll also watch for them to sprout and move them daily into peat pots as they take off.

I am a chicken. I have several varieties of tomatoes and some turnips and onions. I am not sure how one sprouts that small a seed in paper towel. Back to the research later.

(Oh, I also discovered an "embarrassment of riches" in beets, pumpkins, and giant radishes, so if you need a few, do let me know.) ;)

No crafting more tonight, though. I was tired this morning.

I had half a diatribe on why study classical languages all written, when I managed, in adding a link, to delete the whole piece. *sigh* Maybe I can round up the words and get them to cancan again once I have had some sleep.

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