20 September 2007

Fitness Update

Whew, on the fitness front, I am so very glad that autumn is coming.

After my feet healed, I managed to get back up to a solid mile and a half every day, sometimes with a bit extra, but pushing much further seemed unwise since I was returning to my desk looking like I'd been swimming!

As the weather cooled down, though, I was able to ease into a regular 2 miles and a bit every day. It's not the 3 miles I was sometimes managing in the first flush of enthusiasm before my foot troubles, but I am happy. Even better, when it heated up again this week, I was able to maintain the two miles anyway!

The key has been the books -- I walk easily when my mind is off in a book. I have caught up on a a lot of my stack of "want to reads" and have started to work in the occasional mystery. I have to admit -- I always notice when my goal time arrives when I read for information, but I could probably walk for hours and hours when I am reading a mystery! *laugh*

There is a downside, of course. (Isn't there always a downside?)

A few months after Jack weaned, I had to go out and buy all new trousers because the ones I had been wearing were (literally) falling off. It was a horrible experience. It was nearly impossible for me to find trousers intended for middle aged women. Now, I am happy for pretty young girls who want to show off their lovely tummies to do so, but a half century and 16 pregnancies have not been kind to mine, and it and I are much happier if it can hide discreetly inside my clothes.

After four months of consistent walking, those new trousers are starting to fit like the old ones did just before they reached the crisis point.

I hate shopping! I am hoping to put it off until the fashions change again and "low rise" trousers become "so last year"! Hey, maybe those trousers that looked so good on me back in the mid-1970s will come back! They were high waisted with a deep waistband and then they fell down the leg as full as the 1920's zoot suits had. Now *those* were cool!

Oh, and as a side note, my doctor did call a prescription in the the local pharmacy on Monday, so I am back on my medications (though she only called in a half dose, so I am having to double up and will run out in a couple of weeks. Yikes!) But it means that I didn't get run down enough for my walking routine to suffer. That's excellent!

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