03 September 2007

Walking routine update

I feel pretty comfortable that my walking routine has become a habit these days. Hot or comfortable, wet or dry, I have managed to walk at least a mile and a half at least four days a week since I got my new shoes.

I am aiming for two miles a day once the weather starts to cool down a bit more, but I am a bit concerned about how this is going to go once the frigid weather starts. That's months away yet - - and there is an indoor circuit, so it's *possible*. But it means making 10 circuits indoors rather than 2 outdoors. It also means dodging people who are walking to and from meetings and other "official business", so reading is more of a problem, though if I can time it right, I might be able to minimize the dodging part many days. I'll have to make a beaded counter to keep track of circuits, though. Two is pretty easy. Even three gets hard to keep track of -- and with 10, I'd end up confused long before I'd made my daily goal.

Interestingly, simply walking doesn't seem to be making me feel any stronger. Not the way working out at a gym did. I actually seem to be more achy than I was before.

Ahh, aging is such a treat. ;)


  1. Wow, I just got new shoes today too, for walking. I've been trying to walk 3.5 miles every other day, and wearing orrrrful shoes to do it. Today I got nice sproingy Nikes. Now I'll probably quit walking altogether. What's your walking goal?

  2. Oh, my 'goal" is pretty long term -- I want to leave my kids in the dust at the airport when I'm in my 70s like my mother did to me last year. ;)

    In the shorter term, I'd like to make 2 or 3 miles a day five days a week.

    (Be careful about those awful shows...in the long term they can do some *real* damage.)

  3. I'm curious where you go walking indoors.

    Depending on what our schedules are like, if you're interested, if we can find a time that works, I think I'd be interested in occasionally doing some indoor walking together. My old routine of jogging wildly in front of a video for exercise, at home in my basement after the kids are asleep, isn't working so well when I'm pregnant, so I'd like to find a way to stay motivated to at least do some walking.


  4. Hi, Valerie! Generally I walk at my office. There is a walking track laid out on the forth floor. But as much as I hate them, there are also malls. If you can stand those, maybe they would work? Time would, of course, be the challenge. :(


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