18 October 2007

Indications that my current thyroid treatment isn't working.

I complained some time ago about my last doctor taking a whimsy to halve my Synthroid dose. I *knew* that was a bad idea.

Anyway, she didn't halve it cleanly, and I had the choice between a little too much or a bit too little, so I have been alternating.

That is, evidently, not good enough. I knew it was a time-limited endeavor anyway, since even alternating like this, I am going to eventually run out of medication before I run out of month.

But in the last few weeks, these symptoms have started to appear:

  • My hair has started to fall out in handfuls again, though not as badly as it did as on the generic medication
  • My skin feels like sandpaper, even though I have stopped using soap on it and moisturize twice a day
  • My legs are knotted and achy like they used to be before I was treated -- for that matter, my back and most of the rest of me feels that way
  • There isn't enough sleep in all of time nor coffee in all the world
  • My memory hasn't start going yet, but my energy and ambition are gone.
  • I have gotten extremely moody -- grumpy and depressed all at once
  • I can't keep up with the laundry -- it's Thursday and I haven't found the energy to get down there and start *last* weekend's laundry.
  • I want to cry all the time -- partly in exhaustion and mainly in frustration.

Time I went on the great physician hunt again.

Surely, there is a HAES-friendly physician somewhere in SE Michigan who understands that he or she is a consultant and not a boss!! Ideally this person would also be covered by my insurance, but I am beginning to think that is asking too much.

TJ and Corey circa 1984-85
åstad, Sweden

1 comment:

  1. Before taking porcine tablets , I was tired all the time and just lethargic... It would take me seconds to process my thinking. I can only say that I'm getting a lot of benefits physically and mentally by taking these porcine tablets....


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