11 April 2008

Garden update, 19 days past planting

I keep fretting that I am not going to get much germination from this first crop of seeds...but then I remember having much the same feeling last year and eventually almost everything *did* germinate.

However, a little digital assistance points out that I actually have quite a few greens in the lettuce tub (which I knew) and about 12 baby plantlings ... many of which I can't find with my naked eye. (Nor in glasses, for that matter.)

Maybe that's not so bad after all -- it just *feels* like a lot more than three weeks. I hope to take advantage of the waxing Cancer moon this weekend to plant the next round, since so far I only have about 1/3 of the plants I want for this year.


  1. I'm itching to plant some stuff. But up here everyone claims you have to wait until post mother's day to start to aviod frost. Maybe I'll start with some seeds indoors just to move on!

  2. Hi, Kim! Well, you do have to wait until Mothers Day *to put things in the ground* -- but if you start things in yogurt tubs in a window, you can start things as early as Ostara (mid-March) here in Michigan. I know people who have lamps and heaters who start things in February!

    Plant away! ;) It makes mid-April snowstorms more bearable.


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