15 April 2008

Quick health update ...

OK, it was gently pointed out to me that I never updated folks on the final outcome of Rod's misadventure a few weeks back. I'm sorry folks, I thought I had. Things got moderately crazy when Al died two weeks after Rod's release and a few days after Al's funeral, our friend Bill went in to the hospital for triple bypass... welcome to middle age, eh?

Anyway, Rod's back in top form again. His doctors have each in turn been sure it was a heart condition and have each in their turn examined his heart from every possible angle. No sign of any heart trouble can be found, beyond some high blood pressure, which he is treating. After many diagnostic tests, it has become clear that Rod suffered a temporary anaphylaxic episode, due to allergy. Best guess -- either his cod was fried in oil (or dipped in batter) that had been contaminated with sea-food, which he knows he's allergic to -- or the "cod" was actually perch. Hard to say with fish and chips - -so no more fried foods for Rod anyplace that might have sea-food or perch.

As to my health, I have been home for two days with pneumonia. I still don't feel well, but my voice is back, though still rough and I am better enough to go back to work tomorrow.

It started out as the flu, as I mentioned a few days ago -- but because I had to push through at work, it took a lot longer to recover than I thought it should -- after a week, I was still getting sicker. When I woke myself up twice over the weekend with the whistling from my lungs, I gave in and went to the doctor on Monday. (Shelley had warned me that this flu went to the lungs very easily...)

I now have an antibiotic, an inhaler, and a steroid to drag along to work with me. This seems like a weird collection, but I haven't have pneumonia for years and I guess the treatment standards have changed. (I was expecting an antibiotic.)

Jack is, of course, in perfect health. What a guy! ;)

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