10 November 2007

Now this is a GREAT idea!

Mabel's Labels sells labels. Name labels for kids lunch boxes, shoes, books, clothing -- pretty much anything a kid might lose. Boy, do I wish I'd had these for TJ and Corey!

But even more exciting, they also have "allergy alert labels" -- stickies that list the things your child shouldn't be given to eat. Peanuts, dairy, wheat ... up to six specific allergens. There is some talk on the street that they're also working on a vegan/vegetarian label, too. These labels would be put on the child's cup, lunch box, etc -- to remind caregivers of the child's food concerns.


  1. Thanks for the link - I like the idea of the clothing labels.

  2. I agree -- clothing labels can save an awful lot of lost clothing...

    Though we don't have a lot of use for them right now, it's nice to know that they exist.

  3. agreed these are good!


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